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What is a U Visa?

This type of visa is available to persons who have been victims of serious crimes either within the United States or outside in peripheral territories or in certain cases on military bases.

It is important to identify the crimes that qualify, as not all crimes are eligible for this type of visa.

  • Assault, which includes felonies such as stabbing, shooting a person, violent entry into a dwelling with persons inside, and armed robbery.
  • Blackmail
  • Extortion
  • Incest
  • Manslaughter and murder
  • Jury tampering
  • Genital mutilation
  • Obstruction of justice
  • Perjury, i.e., when a witness lies in a trial
    Prostitution or any other form of sexual exploitation that is coerced
    Kidnapping, holding a person unlawfully or in slavery
    Forcing to work at something you do not want to work at or to pay off a debt
    Human trafficking, i.e., the illegal trafficking of a human being for the purpose of sexual exploitation, labor exploitation, organ removal, etc.
  • Torture
  • Domestic violence, both in cases of marriages and couples, both same-sex and opposite-sex. Includes beatings and aggravated verbal harassment.
    Rape and any abuse or unwanted sexual contact or sexual assault.


  • Currently experiencing long delays in processing, about 12 years.
  • Unable to travel abroad while in process or even until residency is granted
  • Possible denial of case with risk of deportation if unable to prove that the abuse was actually perpetuated.


  • Work Permit
  • Deferred Action Status: allows you to remain in the country while your visa is being processed.
  • Depending on age, may include certain family members, such as spouse, children or parents, as derivatives.
    Path to residency

Please note that some of the above criteria may qualify for a different benefit depending on the details and circumstances, so it is important to consult with an experienced attorney for the best possible advice in any situation.

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Carlos Sandoval

Carlos Enrique Sandoval, Attorney, member of the FL Bar, AILA and licensed to practice law by the Supreme Court and the Federal Court for the Southern District of Florida.

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