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EB-5 Investors

EB-5 lawyers in South Florida

The EB-5, Green Card through investment, was created to promote investments in businesses and to create and preserve jobs in the U.S. You can become a lawful permanent resident by establishing a new commercial enterprise and provide full-time employment to at least ten U.S. citizens, legal permanent residents, or other immigrants with employment authorization.

Applying for an E-3 Visa from Within the United States

You may be eligible for Green Card through investment by having invested or be in the process of investing the required amount of capital in a new commercial enterprise in the U.S. The investment must benefit the U.S. economy and create ten of full-time jobs for qualified persons within the U.S.

1) Creating a New Commercial Enterprise

You may create a new commercial enterprise by:

2) Investing in a New Commercial Enterprise

You must have invested or be actively in the process of investing at least $1,000,000 in the new commercial enterprise, unless the investment is to be made in a targeted employment area, in which case the investment must be at least $500,000.

3) Benefit the U.S. Economy and Create Jobs

Your engagement in a new commercial enterprise must benefit the U.S. economy and:

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Formulario servicios

Employment Immigration

EB-1A Alien of Extraordinary Ability

EB-1B Outstanding Researcher or Professor

EB-1C Manager & Executive Transfers

EB-2 Advanced Degree Professionals

EB-3 Foreign National Skilled and Working Professionals

EB-4 Special Immigrants

EB-5 Investors

Labor Certification