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Cancellation Of Removal

Cancellation of Removal is a limited form of relief for certain permanent residents and non-permanent residents that meet specific criteria. Cancellation of...

Waivers Of Inadmissibility

A person not eligible to be admitted into the United States or to adjust her status may obtain lawful admission by filing an application for waiver of the grounds...

Motions To Re-Open and Reconsider

If your immigration case is denied by the local Immigration Judge or USCIS you may still have legal options to get the result you seek...

Appeals of Courts’ Decisions

Almost every area of law in the U.S. has a system set up for appealing a court’s decision if one party disagrees with it. A case will typically start off in a lower court...

Political Asylum, CAT, Withholding of Removal

Is a form of protection that allows individuals who are in the United States to remain here, if they have been persecuted in the…